Our Sunday Offerings for Kids

upcoming offerings

For the 2024-25 church year, we’ll be adopting a new rhythm for our offerings for kids. On most second and third Sundays we’ll have a Kids’ Worship Breakout; on most first and fourth Sundays we’ll gather as an all-ages community in the sanctuary.

Special February Program: On February 2nd and 16th, kids are invited to participate in an “Art-Full Afternoon” from 1-4pm while their grownups are attending UU Identity Class with Rev. Monica. Religious Educator Regina McConaghy will share her love of printmaking. Kids will get to explore different printmaking techniques. Light refreshments provided. Please wear clothes that can get messy or bring a smock; the inks that we use do stain. To sign your kids up for either Art-Full Afternoon, please email education@communityuu.org.

February 2nd: Whole Church worship.

February 9th: Kid’s Worship Breakout. We’ll be working as a team to build terrariums to contribute to the Service Auction. Dirt/potting soil will be involved.

February 16th: Kid’s Worship Breakout. Mushrooms! They’re a spiritual metaphor, a natural phenomenon, and tasty, nutritious food. All samples offered for tasting will be procured at the supermarket.

February 23rd: Whole-church worship.

For more information, contact our Religious Educator, Regina McConaghy.

Sunday Mornings: On some Sundays, we worship as an all-ages community. Children and youth join in the worship service with their families, with quiet activities provided for anyone who listens better with something in their hands. On other Sundays, children and youth begin in the sanctuary with their grown-ups to join in the welcome, chalice lighting, singing, and a Time for All Ages. Then they are invited to participate in a kids’ breakout with activities designed for their age group, such as story, movement, conversation, or art. Kids are always welcome to choose to remain in the sanctuary with their grownups.

Other Activities:

Social Justice: Children and youth participate in service projects, typically directed by their interests. These may include helping at a food bank, raising money for local charities such as homeless shelters or the Humane Society.

Sexuality Education: The “Our Whole Lives” (OWL) curriculum offers honest, accurate information about sexuality. It is centered in the shared values of self worth, sexual health, responsibility, and justice and inclusivity. Learn more about OWL here: https://www.uua.org/re/owl. Contact our Religious Educator, Regina McConaghy, to find out when OWL classes for your age group will be offered!

Kids' Garden: A garden space in front of the church helps children connect with nature.

Milestones and Other Celebrations: Parents may choose to have a Child Dedication Ceremony welcoming their children into the church community. Graduating high school seniors have a coming-of-age commemoration known as a Bridging Ceremony. We celebrate holidays and seasons in many ways, from honoring Samhain to decorating the Christmas tree to holding an Easter Egg Hunt, along with other traditions that bring together members of all ages to create memories.