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march services
March 2, 10:30 am: “The Evidence of Things Not Seen”
Rev. Monica Jacobson-Tennessen, Joan Gray, and the CUUC Choir
From the Christian scriptures comes the expression “faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” These days I’m thinking of this in terms of trusting all the work that others are doing, that I can’t necessarily see, to protect and heal our world. We’ll explore this trust, this form of faith, together.
March 16, 10:30 am: “Circle ‘Round”
Rev. Monica Jacobson-Tennessen
We begin our pledge drive in a time of immense challenge and change. And so, inspired by our hymn which calls us to circle ‘round for freedom, peace, liberation, our planet, and our future, come gather to remember what we bring to each other and what we have the power to do together.
March 30, 10:30 am: “A Theology of Trophic Cascades”
Rev. Monica Jacobson-Tennessen
Following our March theme of “emergence,” we’ll look at a specific form known as the trophic cascade. Ecology teaches us that one change in an ecosystem creates many more and bigger changes that ripple out, as all the parts of the ecosystem affect each other. What does this offer to us to help our understandings of ourselves and the changes that happen in us and which we can make?
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