Stewardship of CUUC

Every year we join together to support and sustain our congregation through the practice of stewardship, in which we consider how each of us can support Community UU Church through giving of our resources and volunteering our skills.

This year our theme is “Weaving Our Story.” Congregational life invites each of us to bring the strands of who we are and what we offer to weave together the tapestry of our community. Each strand is different and valued! We have created a 2023 stewardship handout, including celebration of what we are doing and some basic financial information.

We’re excited to offer an online pledge form for the first time! Pledge information is stored confidentially in our Breeze database. We encourage you to consider this convenient way to make your pledge. Paper pledge forms will also be available at the church if you prefer to pledge that way.

Looking for a guide as you consider what you'll pledge? The UUA has created a Fair Share Giving Guide as a resource. And any member of our Stewardship team is happy to have a conversation with you as well, to answer any questions you may have.

Thank you for your generous support of CUUC!